Tuesday, 12 April 2016

IT working enviroment

The raise of social media and the it environments a completely reshaping the workplace landscape everything form the approach to work to how people dress in workplace changes

Working hours

It used to be that up until now a job was a place out of home you went there to work for 9 hours every day then came back home to rest rinse and repeat. This was because most of the tools required to carry out the work were found in the offices and if the job did not require specialized tools it required good communication with team members. Now days the raise of the internet allows the employees to work from home without any restrictions.
Cultural shift

The work places/environments have been relaxed people are no longer micro managed they are entrusted with the power to set their own gaols and agendas and select the way of working that makes them the most productive. A democratic workplaces took over after the old hierarchical systems where every person gets the same treatment rather than the superiority/inferiority system used before. Instead, more experienced workers will mentor inexperienced co-workers, leading by showing rather than telling.
Social networks

Took keep the people working/collaborating efficiently in a work place that is so fragmented companies have chosen to focus on social media to let them communicated in their down time with people they normally don’t meet face to face. These companies create their own chat rooms, rent out servers on communication platforms like TeamSpeak and create groups on social media sites like Facebook 

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